Record Cold and Snowy October for Denver

It doesn't really come as a surprise but October 2019 in Denver was in the top 5 for coldest Octobers and is one of the top 15 snowiest October's on record!

October in Denver - Jeremy Janus 
Alright, so first off, there are some intricacies when talking about Denver's weather records.
Official weather records for Denver has been located at 3 different locations over the years.

From 1872 to 1949 - weather records were kept at the Downtown City Office
From 1950 to 1995 - weather records were kept at the Stapleton Airport Office
From 1995 to present - weather records are kept at the Denver International Airport

This leaves room for error and some official record discrepancies depending on what parameters you look at. As you read, I'll make note of which weather record office I'm mentioning.

We'll start with DEN (Denver International Airport) 

For the month of October, Denver experienced it's 4th coldest October on record. Our average temperature came in at 43.7º F. That is 7.2º colder than what our normal average temperature is. We had several blasts of cold and snow to blame for that. This comes after we experienced our 2nd WARMEST September on record. Talk about weather whiplash.

Speaking of snow, officially at DEN, we received 12.5" of snow. That's put us in 12th place for snowiest Octobers. The snowiest October on record for Denver came in 1969 when the city received 31.2" of snow!

It was a wild weather month as you can imagine.

Now let's look at how those numbers differed at the Stapleton reporting site

I look at Stapleton records because it is more representative of what actually occurred in Downtown Denver. DEN is ~30 miles away and the weather here can vary greatly over that distance.

Temps: Temperatures didn't vary greatly so roughly the same readings we have seen. Worth noting: this was the coldest October since 2009.

Snow: At the Stapleton reporting station, there was 15.7" of snow reported during the month. A difference of over 3" which is rather significant when talking about official totals. This was the snowiest October since 1997.

Overall there was a lot of cold and a decent amount of snow this month. Looking forward, we could hope for an above-average snow season given the snowy October we saw. I'll have more on that in a couple of weeks but just think that we could be talking about our first above-average snow season in quite some time

~Rain or shine
  I'm Andy Stein


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