Rain or Shine, I'm Andy Stein - Weather Update

Hello Hello!

It was a hot weekend in Denver. We had a 5 day stretch of 90º+ temps. That came to an end yesterday as more clouds and moisture moved in. What we had yesterday was very similar to what we had today.

As we head into the next few days and Independence Day, we are looking at decent weather!

Wednesday will feature sun in the morning and partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. A chance of rain is there. However, It most likely will be confined to northeastern areas of the state but with how wet we've already been, I wouldn't be surprised to see some showers around Denver. None of the storms tomorrow will be severe but lightning could be a threat. Highs will hover near 90º

Thursday, July Fourth, looks even better. Highs will creep to near 90º and we have, again, that afternoon chance for a storm. Can't take it completely out so have an indoor plan for a backup. Showers/storms will be brief but will come with heavy rain.

Friday looks decent too. Highs again near 90º or in the upper 80s. We are basically in the time of year when showers and storms each afternoon are almost a guarantee. So, barring any major weather headlines, plan on that forecast for the next 6-8weeks or so...

June closed out below average. Again. That means 6/7 months so far this year have been below average. We are still doing very well in the water department. No drought concerns and no drought concerns expected all the way through August. It looks like we'll stay slightly above average in the precip realm.

Stay safe this weekend and have fun!

~Rain or shine
  I'm Andy Stein


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